Start of a land registry in Florina
Start of a land registry in Florina
Cadastral real estate declarations
The first stage in the cadastral process is the submission of property declarations by all natural or legal persons who have rights to real estate. Those who manage foreign property are also required to submit a declaration.
The statement concerns a right and not a property. This means that in case a property belongs to more than one person, all those who have the right to it, must declare it (eg the one who has the small ownership and the one who has the usufruct of the property).
The statement also concerns all the properties of the areas under cadastre, inside and outside the plan, whether they are urban, rural, built or not. The declaration of ownership is a precondition for any deed concerning the property in the future, e.g. transfer, parental benefit, donation, issuance of a building permit.
Supporting documents submitted with the declaration
- Simple photocopy of title deed (contract)
- Simple photocopy of transcript certificate
- Topographic diagram (In some cases it is mandatory and in others optional) or locating the property
- Simple photocopy of ID or passport
- Copy of tax clearance or PPC account (document resulting in the VAT number).
For this reason, our office, with experienced partners, undertakes responsibly, reliable, fast and, above all, economically :
Compilation and submission of Land Registry declarations.
Topographic diagrams and locations
Photo interpretations for Land Registry and Arbitrary Settlements.
You do not need to go to Florina to register your property.
For information and clarifications about the process contact us.
Contact info
Address: 36 Dimokratias, PO Box 77 -50131, Kozani
Telephone: 24610 41633